But why? Why to mention white, black, brown, yellow , blue, orange colour before a person. Weather it is a white person, black person, blue person or ......
You are saying the color, why we need to add color in front of a person?
Or another thing is with the passport thing, when you have a passport from some country and someone does something bad from there, you assume all of them are like this?
I think the would could be a lot better place when we can define and put us in a box based on passports, skin colours or..
My children have me as a mother who is from north and a very small country, while their father is from south and comes on of the most populated country in the world. We live in Switzerland.
Our children do not know the difference of these two countries and people. What they know is good people and bad people.
I hope that once they are grown ups all the parents in the world have done a great work to forget about the color, background and passport, ;)
Have a wonderful day and keep an open mind.