haha the glad i read it till the end as last sentence was GOLDEN.
Here is a piece of advice whoever is reading my comment, those who are Actually making money do not brag about it. Follow the SILENT ones.
I am a marketer and i daily get request from people who market themselves that they MADE 6 figure here are there.. And then when i send them a price list of my service they start negotiating if they can get some discounts. "because of hard times"
Well the truth is 95% of them havent got even close to 6 figures or whatever. But yes there are some of them who do but funny that they rarely speak about it. They give value, tips and share their knowledge and expertise. Yes people still fall for this: 5 easy tips how I made 6 figures in one month. As people think you can get rich easy. I am not saying that sometimes in life when you are in a right place at a right time, you CAN make it.
But the reality is not this. If you want to know how I changed my income and money, i started following and listening those who never spoke about money, but were doing incredible things.
I also had a chance in my early 20s when I was an aupair to work with some families who were quite wealthy. And in fact they NEVER said DO THIS you become a millionaire, instead they invest their time and energy to learn something new, get advice and etc. SO once again piece of advice, whoever is SCREAMING I made this much money .. THINK TWICE!! Would you say to the world that hey I now have 500 K on my bank account. . . I doubt!