I agree with this article a lot. And may it not look so complicated, the problem is that most of the people are not willing to do this for long term. I have been entrepreneur last 10 years. Let`s say by accident, i never planned to be an entrepreneur but I started doing what I love and ended up where I am today. But last 2 years have been extremely amazing. HOW?
I have 2 kids under the age of 3 , my business is more successful than ever, I make at least 4x more money than I made few years back + clients businesses are doing super well because of my work. BUT HOW?
First, learn how to meditate, this is so POWERFUL. When people think that the meditation is some ZEN , buddist , monk or Hindu thing, then absolutely not. It is so powerful and will change your world , your mindset and goals.
Another thing is to set yourself a value and understanding who you are. And once you do this, you will see another change..
So yes all these tips which are written here are essential, they might sound easy, but it takes a discipline, self believe and more.
Great article! Thank you!