This is just so good! I must watch it.
I believe that there is nothing wrong with starting a business when you do not know how and etc. It is a learning process. But what is "funny" that those new business owners are all about themselves. They forget the part of making connections, they share beautiful pictures here and there, but never connect with their audience and then wonder why their business is not working.
I see every day ( as a social media manager) where people reach out to me and say: I want this many followers, sales and etc.
Then always my question is that well this is great but how many friends, how many sales you had before reaching out to me...
The answer is 0 ---Then I am like, well then we need to go back to the basics.
We all need to learn the basic, have patient, and make a business that matters to me and then it will matter to others.
I never thought in my life that I will run a marketing company and photography business aside. But i do, just because I have stick to it 10 years, getting up every day, building relationships, sharing my passion and not converting everything into short time $$$-
I will have a look at this show, sounds awesome and funny.
Have a beautiful day.